
Converse Premium Labs

Since 2016 Converse Premium Labs has had the honor of providing several families with service and companion dogs that have change their lives forever. Luna, the daughter of Shelby & Tobi for their Fall 2024 litter is the latest of these exceptional dogs.

This family has waited almost a year from their first contact to us for this photo to be taken. Luna has begun her training to become a very special companion dog. We just received the following from this family on what the professional companion trainer stated about Luna...

"She is a wonderful pup. You did a great job researching your breeder. Her temperament is great and she’s very sweet. Great around our kids too. We think she will make the perfect companion for you."

We know Luna will become the perfect helper to allow Rob to have a more complete life. We are exited to see their progress and will be sharing their story in the days a head.




It is always a blessing to hear form our CPL families regarding how life is going with their CPL pups/dogs. The following is a contact we recently received from a family regarding their Tobi!

"Bryan, I wanted to send you some recent pics of Tobi💕(Shelby/Boomer litter 12/15/23) He is such a joy! He is a typical lab: verysmart, easy to train, super friendly.. and quite a handful at times!  I am stopped quite often when we’re out together by people saying what a handsome dog he is; several have asked who the breeder was and I’m happy to give them your name😀 Thanks so much for the care you take in breeding such high quality Labs."