
Converse Premium Labs


Converse Premium Labs knows where it's source of strength and blessings come from and we are always open to praying about how we can be a blessing to others through our dogs. Here are just a few of the examples of how CPL has attempted to go beyond the norm to be a blessing to others...

Converse Premium Labs participated in a local organization that raises money to provide legal representation to children who have been involved in horrific incidents. CPL donated a puppy in order to raise money to provide support to these children and their families.

Gina “working the room” before the MEAC auction!
It was a blessing as the winner of the auction got this puppy to “replace” of dog that has recently passed away that this family had loved for 12 years that recently passed away! Thankful to be able to put so many smiles on people’s faces!
Please CLICK HERE to watch this video.

Converse Premium Labs has donated puppies to people in need over the years to allow the healing power of the unconditional love that our puppies can bring to a life. CPL has provided dogs to our Military Heroes for  PTSD dogs, Autistic therapy dogs, diabetic sensing dogs as well as others who have had a very serious need in their lives that one of our dogs was able to help them live their everyday lives with a greater purpose!